
Examples for Embed API for Geolonia.

Basic map

Custom color of marker


Zero configuration

All of controls


Update hash

Marker with Popup

Hello World!

Pitch and Bearing

Hello World!

Custom HTML Marker

HTML for the Custom Marker

<div id="custom-marker"><img src="./icon.png" alt=""></div>

CSS for the Custom Marker

  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: none;

#custom-marker img
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

HTML for the Map

Hello World!

Custom with JavaScript

var map = new geolonia.Map('my-map');
setInterval(function() { myMap.rotateTo( myMap.getBearing() + 90 ) }, 5000);

GeoJSON with SimpleStyle

GeoJSON (Ajax) with SimpleStyle

Vector Tile with SimpleStyle

Vector Tile with geolonia:// scheme

Vector Tile with customtile ID


Enable 3D

Disable 3D

Stop lazy rendering

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